To begin understanding when is umbrella insurance necessary, you will want to examine how umbrella policies work and their benefits. There are some common misconceptions about this type of insurance to look at when determining the types of insurance that you need, as well. Umbrella insurance is highly affordable and provides ample coverage when other types of insurance fall short.
The Basics
Insurance, such as liability, usually only covers a specific amount of damages. For example, if you have an accident policy that only covers $10,000, anything left over after insurance pays the injured party can be covered by other insurances or out of pocket. Having additional insurance policies is ideal regardless of your income, contrary to popular belief that only the wealthy need to have several types of coverage.
In fact, most people can benefit from having umbrella insurance throughout their lives. This type of insurance kicks in to cover several different types of issues, including slander and libel lawsuits, property damage and can even help pay your legal fees. You will find that expanding your coverage is also inexpensive, and only takes a few moments of your time to get.
The Costs and Benefits
Umbrella insurance can vary in cost from one hundred to about three hundred dollars annually, depending on the amount of coverage that you need. Most policies will cover up to one million dollars in legal fees and damage, ensuring you are fully protected in most cases. You will definitely want to have more insurance than assets to maintain your property and other personal assets in the case of a lawsuit. An insurance specialist can assist you in choosing the right coverage amount of you aren’t sure what you need.
Quite often, umbrella insurance is best when started as soon as you obtain liability insurance for driving, or when you obtain personal property. Some people, such as those working in the media, can also benefit from umbrella coverage since the policy will cover damage caused by stating untruths, whether in online, print or spoken media. Working with an insurance expert can be the best way to determine when you need umbrella insurance, as well as figuring out how much you need.
Getting Started